Patch Day: March 14, 2018

All Interfaces have been updated for the 3/14/2018 patch day. The only UI that did not need an update was the Intg LOE UI. Enjoy!

Patch Day: February 21, 2018

Patch day! Only a few UI’s need updates, including Intg Krome (which is already updated now). Default Old apparently didn’t need an update surprisingly! I will be checking the UI’s and will update them if needed over the next few days.

Default UI Color

On January 17, 2018, Everquest updated to have a default text color. Some UI’s have experienced a white text color instead of black text color in the Spell Book. So far this has only affected the Default UI which has now been updated to show black text color...

Patch Day: January 17, 2018

A ton of UI files were updated in today’s patch, but it was mainly just removing the Text Color code since now there is a way of globally changing the color of text. The only Interface that was affected by the patch was the Integrated Krome UI for the Guild...

Patch Day: December 12, 2017

Ring of Scale launch day! All UI’s are updated for the expansion. I will possibly be editing some interfaces after the launch to hide the 14th spell slot until they release it in the future.