Patch Day: June 21, 2017

Patch day was 6/21/2017 and EQUI_LootSettingsWnd.xml was the only file altered. A new Checkbox was added for “Show on new items only” for Toggling whether the Loot Window will auto show if the items are already marked an/ag/nvr and for master looter, auto...

Patch Day: May 17, 2017

Today’s update to the live servers included a new UI element for tracking Calendar events. This update altered the EQUI_Animations.xml file which most UI’s used and will be edited if it is found in the list. The calendar, by default, has the # day aligned...

Small update to some Interfaces

Yesterday I tested out the UI’s to ensure they are in good working order. Some of them I did a small update to compatibility with some minor updates that was done over the past few months. Mostly it was all related to the Item Display window and the Inventory...

Patch Day: November 16, 2016

All Interfaces that needed to be updated for Empires of Kunark. Please be sure to do a clean installation 🙂 Don’t forget to download your EOK Maps! Goodurden has been kind enough to create these maps for you and can be downloaded HERE....

Patch Day: August 17, 2016

Technically, no files needed to be changed but there was a slight change with the EQUI_ItemDisplay.xml file that I went ahead and did just in case. Only a few UI’s needed the update that had that file modified.