by Drakah | Sep 20, 2023 | Blog
Another patch day and 2 files were updated for the Barter Search window and the Dragon Hoard window… 2 files that I do not edit, so…. yay! Have a great day!
by Drakah | Aug 16, 2023 | Blog
There were 3 XML files that were changed in this patch. The Inventory Window, Options Window, and the Tradeskill Window. The Inventory & Tradeskill Window’s had only some tool-tips updated but not anything breakable. The Options Window added a toggle to use...
by Drakah | Jul 19, 2023 | Blog
Patch day and the only files that changed were a handful of item icon DDS files, nothing to worry about.
by Drakah | Jun 21, 2023 | Blog
Parch Day and the only files that were updated was some DDS files, nothing to worry about. Enjoy! PS: If you are using the Krome UI, be sure to use the “Default” version of the Bank Window included in the folder instead of the “All Bags”...
by Drakah | May 17, 2023 | Blog
Today, Daybreak decided to push some of the New UI code to the Live servers, even though it was not even ready. It has already disrupted the current state of the current UI system that people are already posting about some bad side effects. Aside from this, only 1...
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