Night of Shadows UI’s are now available!

Preliminary updates are now available in the Downloads section for the Night of Shadows expansion. Please note, the EQUI_LootWnd.xml has been removed from all Interfaces, except the Krome UI. If you update the Krome UI before expansion is live, you will get some Red...

Night of Shadows Beta UI’s are now available!

Today I have finished all of the Interfaces for Night of Shadows (Beta). Please visit the Downloads section and click the Beta Link to open/show the files for that Category. If there are any issues, please let me know on the Forums. Thanks!

Night of Shadows Pre-Order Day!

Today, Everquest has given us the option to pre-order the newest expansion: Night of Shadows, to be launched in December! I will periodically check the Beta server for any updates it has to the interfaces as usual. Please be patient as the updates will not be...