Flickering Issues? Read Me!

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    I personally use the Integrated Krome UI, that includes the Big Bank Window (All Bags). For some reason, the Big Bank Window (All Bags) is what is causing a Flickering issue for me but ONLY for my Main toon (Drakah). I do not know why. It could be an item that is only available on my character that is not on another toon. All my other characters using the same UI, using the same Bank window, have no flickering at all. But as soon as I removed the Big Bank Window on Drakah, the flickering went away. I posted this on the EQ Discord and on the EQ Forums to let them know and will see where that goes (shrug). I do believe it is item related being that it is only happening on 1 toon. Some folks said that also setting their Big Bank Window (All Bags) to the (Default) version I have in Krome, as an option, did not help them and they still got the flickering. But I am posting this just to let you know this is what I came across in case this helps any.

    You can find my actual post on the EQ forums here:

    Rick Blough

    I am having the exact same issue with the flickering, however, it is with all my characters and only when using Krome. Your other UI Mods are working for me for some reason but I like Krome more.

    One of the things I have noticed is you can turn off “Show Buff Timers” in the options and the flickering stops.

    However, certain other boxes when opened still shows some flickering.

    Hopefully this information helps in some way.

    We all know Daily Broken has screwed the game engine up yet again by playing with video resolutions and what not.

    See you in game buddy.


    This sounds like the issue I spoke with someone in Discord about in tells. Remove the current EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml file, and take the EQUI_BigBankWnd_Default.xml, and rename it back to EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml

    This will give you the non-all bags big bank window version that has so far fixed all the issues with Krome and the new code EQ put out. It has to do with the back end bag coding.

    Rick Blough

    Thanks Drakah,

    That got rid of the annoying flickering for the time being.

    Keep doing what you do, I love your UI mods. Ever since you introduced me to Krome it is my absolute favorite of all the ones you’ve made.

    Again, see you in game my friend.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Rick Blough.

    If you are still experiencing anything weird, just go to Options–>Display, and UN-Check the “Use New UI Engine”. Then relaunch the game. This will literally fix everything.

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