Rain of Fear 2 and Adeptus

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    I don’t think I can remember exploring Norrath without Drakah by my side, making my interface feel like part of the Greater Faydark I was sworn to protect.

    I have recently come back to the game with some friends, and we are making a new server based on Druzzil Ro interfering with the timeweave after the events on the Plane of Time. Because of this, we are using the Rain of Fear 2 client, and subsequently I am unable to get your beautiful Adeptus or Celtic interfaces to load.

    I saw the thread about Project99 requiring extensive coding to fix, but I am hoping that this newer client might be easier to adapt? If you could just point me in the right direction, if there is one, I would gladly take up the mantle to fix this myself. Norrath without Drakah feels strange and alien, it’s just not the same.

    Hear my plea, Sha’Kahr, and I will name my first kitten after you.



    What I need to start with is a zipped up version of the Default folder under the uifiles directory that you have. I keep a backup of each patch day of the default folders, so need to narrow down which patch day the install belongs to. Then from that, I can figure out what version UI you need. The problem with the other person who was asking the question was the server she was playing on (Shards of D… something), must of been a customized version of the Default so nothing was matching up to my versions.


    I feel like I’m meeting a celebrity! The folder is 52mb zipped with WinRAR, which is larger than the upload size allowance. Hosting it on Drive: default.zip


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Rivn.

    Ok I got it. Looking at the files, the “Date Modified” are all set to 2/10/2018, so that must of been the date it was downloaded originally. They should be all different dates to when the Live server had updated it. Is there a “eqnews.txt” file in your root folder that would tell me the last day the EverQuest was last updated to the live server? If so, can you attach that?


    Yeah! Here you go. This is exciting!



    Perfect. I did a compare to my Default archive and found a match for Default patch day 05-14-2013.

    I am sending you 1 ZIP file that contains 5 more ZIPs inside:
    (be sure when you extract the files that you don’t have a “folder inside another folder” issue.)

    – default-051413.zip – Rename your current uifiles\Default folder to Default ROF2 as your backup. Use my version instead by renaming it from Default 051413 to Default. This will have the original “modified” dates correct, so enable the view of “view details” in file explorer, enable the “Date modified” column, and ensure you see different dates. Load up EverQuest and if you don’t have any errors, then go ahead and test out the UI files.

    – drakah_intg_tking.zip – the Integrated TKing Celtic UI Version 7.5 – April 18, 2013
    – drakah_intg_tking_end.zip – patch files for endurance version
    – drakah_pers_adeptus.zip – the Personalized Adeptus UI Version 6.9 – April 18, 2013
    – drakah_pers_adeptus_clickypetwindow.zip – patch file for pet window

    Here is the ZIP file to download from Dropbox.
    Drakah UI’s for 05-14-2013

    Let me know how it goes.


    You are a master of your craft, Drakah! This whole experience has been so much fun, thank you for everything.

    It appears to be working, and everything feels right in Norrath again. The only inconsistency I have noticed is the Tracking window is default graphic, but that is super minor and doesn’t bother me, I just thought I would mention it so you know. My uierrors.txt gave a bunch of warnings, but no errors so I think we are good! I will play with it for a few days and update if I find anything else.

    Let me know if you need anything else from me. I would say you’ve gained a lifetime follower, but I’ve been here all along already.

    Do you have a system set up for donations?



    Assuming you are using Adeptus, if you want to change the Tracking Window, just copy the EQUI_TrackingWnd.xml file from the Default folder, and paste it into the custom folder.

    Open and go all the way to the bottom.


    and Replace with either:


    ..whichever looks better.

    As for the UIErrors, as long as they say “Warning”, you are ok, as it pulls the missing files that were not modified from the Default folder.

    As for the Donations, yes, I do have one 🙂 It is on the Sidebar on the Rightside or on the Main homepage on the very bottom.


    Beautiful, thank you. The tracking window is themed now and everything looks perfect!



    You are welcome! Enjoy! 🙂



    I recently started playing on The Heroes Journey EMU server that is running on ROF2. Cool server that lets you play 3 classes at once. I see that someone got the drakah_intg_eq2_blue -051413.zip file from you and posted it in the discord for this server. I was curious if it was possible to get the Drakah UI’s for 05-14-2013 file from this post active again? I have always loved using your UIs for Everquest and they make the game experience much better. I typically switch between them since they are all great.


    I will have to find it again and will repost a link.


    Here is the link to download the file

    ROF EMU Tking Adeptus 051413 Drakah UI

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by Drakah.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by Drakah.

    Thank you! You are the best!

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