Patch Day: October 20, 2021

A few files were updated in today’s patch: EQUI_DragItems.xml EQUI_ItemDisplay.xml EQUI_LootWnd.xml EQUI_MapViewWnd.xml I believe none of those files will give any error at all but I will be checking all UI’s for compatibility between now and ToL launch...

Patch Day: September 15, 2021

Hurrah for patch day! EverQuest has added in a new “Perk” subscription that will allow you 2 extra inventory bag slots, along with some other interesting additions. I have updated all the Interfaces to accommodate the future slot and to the loot window if...

Patch Day: August, 18 2021

Patch Day! One of the highlights in this patch is the new “Acorn” in Misty Thicket! I have been after this issue for a long time now and they finally decided to make a new model for it instead of a flat pixelated square on the ground that you could never...

Patch Day: July 21, 2021

Today they merged the Selo server into the Povar server, along with some UI updates to the Animations file and the Overseer window (which I do not customize.) The Interfaces that were updated today for the 7/21/2021 patch to version 17.7 is: Default Old, INTG Krome,...

Patch Day: June 16, 2021

Today they made an update to the Target Window, so that it will show all 97 buffs instead of only 85. EDIT: As of June 20, 2021, all interfaces have been updated to reflect this update.