Night of Shadows Beta UI’s are now available!

Today I have finished all of the Interfaces for Night of Shadows (Beta). Please visit the Downloads section and click the Beta Link to open/show the files for that Category. If there are any issues, please let me know on the Forums. Thanks!

Night of Shadows Pre-Order Day!

Today, Everquest has given us the option to pre-order the newest expansion: Night of Shadows, to be launched in December! I will periodically check the Beta server for any updates it has to the interfaces as usual. Please be patient as the updates will not be...

Patch Day: September 21, 2022

All UI’s that needed an update to reflect the changes to the Inventory window for level 100 Heroic selection drop-downs and Extended Target Window have been completed. These changes were only needed for the following and have been updated to version 18.5:...