Small update to some Interfaces

Yesterday I tested out the UI’s to ensure they are in good working order. Some of them I did a small update to compatibility with some minor updates that was done over the past few months. Mostly it was all related to the Item Display window and the Inventory...

Patch Day: November 16, 2016

All Interfaces that needed to be updated for Empires of Kunark. Please be sure to do a clean installation 🙂 Don’t forget to download your EOK Maps! Goodurden has been kind enough to create these maps for you and can be downloaded HERE....

Patch Day: August 17, 2016

Technically, no files needed to be changed but there was a slight change with the EQUI_ItemDisplay.xml file that I went ahead and did just in case. Only a few UI’s needed the update that had that file modified.

Patch Day: May 18, 2016

The May 18th patch had some updates to a few of the XML files, but the only one that needed updating was the Inventory window….again. All interfaces have been updated and tested to reflect the changes for the stats page in the inventory window. Enjoy!

EQ2 Patch Day: April 28, 2016

EverQuest II GU100 (Game Update 100) has launched and some of the UI elements have been updated. The Integrated EQ2, Integrated EQ2 Blue and the Default Old EQ2 is now compatible and has been added to the Download area at the bottom. There are now 2 sections in the...

Website Re-launch Day!

I did not expect to have to worry about the patches for the interfaces today but I guess this is a good time to launch the new website design! 🙂 I hope you guys enjoy the new layout and if you have any issues, please feel free to comment on this post. There are going...

Patch Day: April 20, 2016

Patch day today, hurray! It looks like there are several UI files that have been updated that will affect almost all interfaces. I will be going threw each one to ensure they will all work. Please be patient as this may take some time. You might have to use the...

Website Redesign

I wanted to get away from a forum-based website since I really do not feel I need to maintain such a large structure. Instead, moving to WordPress, seemed to be a no brainer. Time to get crackin’ on a new look!