Future Update: May 2021 – Item Display Window

So, in a future update, targeted for May, there will be an update to the EQUI_ItemDisplay.xml file to include the Item Comparison option drop-down list. Be sure you do NOT have this file in your interface. I will be removing this file from all interfaces so you do not...

Patch Day: April 21, 2021

No serious updates needed for this patch day, but I did update the INTG Krome UI for the “EQUI_BigBankWnd_Default.xml” file to be renamed to “EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml” for those who wish to not use the All Bags Bank Window version.  I would suggest...

Patch Day: January 20, 2021

No patch needed for today’s update. They removed the “EQUI_HtmlWnd.xml, so the next time there is an actual update to the Default Old, I will make sure that file is not there moving forward, but leaving it there does not hurt. Enjoy!