I was curious to see if you might have a version of Pers Adeptus UI from/around when RoF (November 2012) was released? I’m not for thinking you would, but I can hope. I’m now playing on a newer emu based on that client. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Your work is amazing!
I get requests for older interfaces for Emulated servers every once in a while, but they typically don’t work since it needs to refer to the UI elements via their DB as well as the game version I believe. If you give me the exact date of when SOE/DBG last patched Default, I can see what I had when it was on live.
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Drakah.
Turns out the one from April is 100% compatible. The emu I’m playing on isn’t going further than OOW though, so there’s 3 more spell gems than needed. Any chance of being able to mod the spell gems to only show 9?
I had to go threw each old expansion files to see what was the last Spell Gem window that had 9 of them. It was back in 2007. I have attached the file, so try and patch yours with these 2 files and hopefully it won’t crash. If it does, I will need the UIERRORS.txt file from your root directory.
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Drakah.
I see the problem then. Use the files I attached in this post instead. It needs the code so it won’t yell but the game you are playing doesn’t visually use it. I fixed it so it uses only 9 gems.
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