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  • in reply to: Rain of Fear 2 and Adeptus #25858

    Assuming you are using Adeptus, if you want to change the Tracking Window, just copy the EQUI_TrackingWnd.xml file from the Default folder, and paste it into the custom folder.

    Open and go all the way to the bottom.


    and Replace with either:


    ..whichever looks better.

    As for the UIErrors, as long as they say “Warning”, you are ok, as it pulls the missing files that were not modified from the Default folder.

    As for the Donations, yes, I do have one 🙂 It is on the Sidebar on the Rightside or on the Main homepage on the very bottom.

    in reply to: Rain of Fear 2 and Adeptus #25850

    Perfect. I did a compare to my Default archive and found a match for Default patch day 05-14-2013.

    I am sending you 1 ZIP file that contains 5 more ZIPs inside:
    (be sure when you extract the files that you don’t have a “folder inside another folder” issue.)

    – default-051413.zip – Rename your current uifiles\Default folder to Default ROF2 as your backup. Use my version instead by renaming it from Default 051413 to Default. This will have the original “modified” dates correct, so enable the view of “view details” in file explorer, enable the “Date modified” column, and ensure you see different dates. Load up EverQuest and if you don’t have any errors, then go ahead and test out the UI files.

    – drakah_intg_tking.zip – the Integrated TKing Celtic UI Version 7.5 – April 18, 2013
    – drakah_intg_tking_end.zip – patch files for endurance version
    – drakah_pers_adeptus.zip – the Personalized Adeptus UI Version 6.9 – April 18, 2013
    – drakah_pers_adeptus_clickypetwindow.zip – patch file for pet window

    Here is the ZIP file to download from Dropbox.
    Drakah UI’s for 05-14-2013

    Let me know how it goes.

    in reply to: Rain of Fear 2 and Adeptus #25847

    Ok I got it. Looking at the files, the “Date Modified” are all set to 2/10/2018, so that must of been the date it was downloaded originally. They should be all different dates to when the Live server had updated it. Is there a “eqnews.txt” file in your root folder that would tell me the last day the EverQuest was last updated to the live server? If so, can you attach that?

    in reply to: Rain of Fear 2 and Adeptus #25844

    What I need to start with is a zipped up version of the Default folder under the uifiles directory that you have. I keep a backup of each patch day of the default folders, so need to narrow down which patch day the install belongs to. Then from that, I can figure out what version UI you need. The problem with the other person who was asking the question was the server she was playing on (Shards of D… something), must of been a customized version of the Default so nothing was matching up to my versions.

    in reply to: 1920×1080 Layout #25838

    My screen is still 1680×1050, have not bought new monitors yet… but the screenshot really is just an example. The Krome UI (which I use too) is probably one of the more difficult UI’s if you do not know which window is used for what and where it should go, hense the reason why I had to include a second screenshot depicting what everything is. More than likely regardless of the resolution, there will need to be some sort of adjustment of the window layout. Wish there was an easier way of doing it for sure. But maybe in the future at some point when I upgrade, I will include that layout since I would be using it too 🙂

    in reply to: Project 1999 #25834

    None of the interfaces would work for 1999 without extensive code editing since all of them that I maintain is for the Live servers. I tried helping someone out with this, who plays Shards of Dalaya and proved difficult only because there was no way of me testing it out to find any errors and edit it accordingly.

    in reply to: Setting main assist, leader etc #25802

    You just right-click on a player and choose what role they are. The icons stack on top of each other next to the name as you do that. I believe it is the same way in the other interfaces I did.

    in reply to: Cant scale Spell Bar/Gems #25799

    Most welcome 🙂 I hope to do a larger version in the future, or maybe DB may give us the ability to scale I hope! But I agree, it is easier on the eyes and such.

    Btw, if you hate the new bank window with all the bags, you can delete the XML file for it, it won’t break it.

    in reply to: Cant scale Spell Bar/Gems #25797

    This is a common question, but EverQuest does not allow the UI elements to be scale-able like they do in games like Star Wars: The Old Republic. I have brought this up to them but would require a complete overhaul on the system.

    To make the spell bar icons larger, would require a whole new spell gem window to be re-created from scratch, it isnt easy just to enlarge the icon, all the elements move and has to be compensated for. Same idea goes to everything else, just isn’t easy to do.

    I think at some point I would like to attempt to make a larger version of Krome for larger monitors, but will have to wait until I buy larger monitors. Currently I run at 1680×1050 on a 22″ monitor.

    As for the window not being able to be moved, some elements I make on a window is invisible, you have to right-click around it to find the sweet spot to be able to unlock the window and move it. For Krome, see the extra screenshots to show you where the movable handles are.
    Don’t forget to resize your buff bar… the text goes under the icon, not on the side of it.

    But for future UI edits/additions, I am paying all the attention to the Krome UI since it is the most minimal and cohesive than all the others.

    in reply to: Cant scale Spell Bar/Gems #25786

    I never heard of anything overriding any window size scaling from another window, unless you are removing the code that creates the “invisible handle” to resize many windows. Be sure to check the UIErrors.txt file for any imagery/code you might be missing if you are patching the UI with other custom XML files. My interfaces really do not work well with other author’s file code since most of my files are dependent on other windows for code.

    For example, if you are replacing the EQUI_BuffWindow.xml in my UI with someone else’s, you are also removing the code for “drakah_buffframe.tga” texture (which I believe is used in the song and pet window) that now can potentially crash your game or make it sluggish since it is trying to draw that image but can’t find it. There is also code in there for “WDT_BuffWindow” template and “WDT_drakahSimpleCornersBorder” which could be used in other windows.

    So be careful replacing any files in there, it can easily break something else you may not be aware of.

    in reply to: Cant scale Spell Bar/Gems #25783

    I logged in an alt who doesn’t have enough spell gems to test this.
    I unlocked the window and used the bottom-right corner handle to resize it without any issue.

    As for painful corners, they are drawn with only 1 or 2 pixels wide with an invisible border so that once locked, it isn’t something easily clickable, being in the way or noticeably visible when playing.

    There is a screenshot of where all the handles are for the whole UI at https://shakahr.com/krome-ui-screenshots/

    in reply to: Changing target window #25707

    You cannot intermix other parts from one UI into another. Each window relies on another window’s code for it to function. Each UI was created as a whole, not in parts.

    In order for that to happen, you would have to hunt down all of the code it is missing that the UIErrors.txt file is saying it needs (errors only, not warnings) and would need to be copied into the target window to accommodate that UI including any graphics it is calling for. Some graphic names uses the same name but different graphic, so that might be a challenge too. Its not an easy task.

    in reply to: strange error on updating UI #25703

    Backup your UI_Charactername_servername.ini always in safe place so you do not loose your window settings. I do this almost monthly just to be safe. The file must start with “UI_”. The similar one without the UI_ is for your hotbuttons.

    Please post your UIErrors.txt file so I can see why it is not loading.

    You do not have to reset your computer or anything, just delete your current “drakah_intg_steel” folder, redownload it and unzip it into your uifiles folder. Once done, open the folder, and ensure you see all 109 files. The readme file should read “Version 12.7 – December 17, 2019”

    Be sure you dont have a folder-inside-another-folder, as some people do that, and the UI can’t load, since it cannot load from subfolders.

    in reply to: EQ2 Integrated Not Loading #25690

    Btw, I did check on that error again, and it is coming from EQ looking at a EQUI_Animations.xml file and the EQUI_Templates.xml file that has references to the code you noted. The EQ2 UI does not have an Animations file, but it does have a custom EQUI_Templates.xml which is correct and updated.
    So if you installed the UI prior to the Launch of Torment of Velious, then you will have an error until it is released.

    If you need the old version 15.5, that is for live until they take the servers down, let me know.

    in reply to: EQ2 Integrated Not Loading #25689

    It can also be that you have an EQUI_Animations file (outdated) in that UI, and that UI does not use one. Be sure you are only using the files in the zip file and not adding anything to it. Do a fresh copy. The screenshots were created new, so I know it works 🙂

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