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  • in reply to: EQ2 Integrated Not Loading #25688

    I do not think the expansion is out yet for it to work. I wont be able to check it until later today though.

    in reply to: ToV Released on Test Broke Tking Celtic #25667

    The warnings are telling you that you asked it to use the “Drakah” folder, but it cannot find file X. So, I would enter the Drakah folder and see if file X is present there.

    My guess is, you have another folder inside the “Drakah” folder, which you cant do.
    I zip up the folder I made and post it. In this case, my folder name was “drakah_intg_tking”, so I created a drakah_intg_tking.zip file. So I am betting you have a “drakah_intg_tking” inside of your “Drakah” folder.

    The folder has to have the files present, it cannot read from a subfolder inside of the folder.

    For example, in my UI folder, I made custom files for

    but your uierrors.txt says it cant find those and will load them instead from the Default folder.

    I am attaching my UIerrors file so you can see that mine did find those files since it isnt in the log list. In a custom UI, you only place the edited files in a folder so that EQ can read the unmodified ones from the Default folder by design.

    in reply to: ToV Released on Test Broke Tking Celtic #25663

    Having all warnings is good, that means it is loading fine.
    If the UI does not load, then you will have Error messages at the end of the warnings, that is what I need to find the cause of the UI error. If it isn’t loading, then it is something else hindering the game.

    in reply to: ToV Released on Test Broke Tking Celtic #25661

    Btw, that debug file you posted is game initializing issues with your device driver and such, not UI related directly. Like the FireC.dds is from the game.

    in reply to: ToV Released on Test Broke Tking Celtic #25660

    I will need your UIerrors.txt from the Everquest folder. Just the Errors portion, not the Warnings.

    in reply to: ToV Released on Test Broke Tking Celtic #25657

    I just checked the Tking Celtic on the test server, version 12.6 (beta) from the readme file, and it loads fine.

    in reply to: ToV Released on Test Broke Tking Celtic #25654

    I do not normally login to the test server, but I will look at it tonight when I get home to see what is going on.

    in reply to: ToV Released on Test Broke Tking Celtic #25652

    Not a problem, glad they work 🙂

    in reply to: ToV Released on Test Broke Tking Celtic #25650

    The Beta files should work just fine for the Test server. Have you tried them yet?
    There is a Beta sub-folder under each section on the Downloads page.

    in reply to: Torment of Velious Beta #25433

    I put the Downloads page back to the way I had it since the “modern” version was not playing nice with downloading updated files. For some reason, the website kept caching the previous version and was just annoying. Let me know if you have any issues.

    in reply to: Testing a new Krome Chat Window skin #1174

    Interface has been updated with the new skin 🙂

    in reply to: Testing a new Krome Chat Window skin #1173

    Here is a picture of what it looks like now

    in reply to: Background textures in tab enabled default_old UI #1167

    I know this was mentioned on the EQ Forums to the devs of this same issue of this problem.

    The way they have the chat windows currently, is the “Chat Window” file is now what handles the tabs inside the main window. The “Chat Container Window” is what holds the tabs and is what template is used to skin the actual outside of the window.

    You could try editing the EQUI_ChatWindow.xml file and scroll all the way to the end. In the “Screen item=ChatWindow” section, change false to true and see if that helps you.
    That would make the tabbed windows transparent so you can see the changes to the actual Chat Window itself with tinting and color and such.

    If this works for you, let me know, and I can make it an edit to the UI and re-upload it.

    in reply to: March 13, 2019 tabbed windows patch, everquest #1164

    The group/character window from Krome is specific to that UI. If you like that interface, you would need to do the whole UI, not parts of it.
    The spell icons can be interchanged by copying the TGA files called Spells##.tga and gemicons##.tga

    in reply to: March 13, 2019 tabbed windows patch, everquest #1159

    Could be something up with your UI_name_servername.ini file. That is what designates what filters to which window.
    I know when you first load in, the windows you had are messed up to which tab they are in, so that has to get edited in game.
    But the UI has nothing to do with what chat filters are going into which window.

    You could try installing a fresh copy of the UI if you have not already done so, but I doubt that is the culprit, otherwise the UI just wouldn’t load.

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