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KeymasterThank you so much bud, I appreciate it, truly 🙂 Just trying to keep all the stuff alive to still be usable. I should get back with Tking, see if he has any nostalgia he would like to contribute heh.
KeymasterAlways happy to help if I can.
KeymasterYou do not need my INI file, ever really, it was only there to get you started from what the screenshot was setup to be like. but the INI files should still work, providing you are using the same resolution that INI file was saved under. Otherwise, the windows will be all over the place.
The only change EQ did was how they are naming the INI files now, which I did not update in the Readme as an oversight, as you need to add in your class name now to the filename.
If it is loading Default, then my guess is you do not have the same folder name as what the INI file is looking for.
You should not be getting any XML errors, other than maybe “Note: Loading SUITE” messages, or maybe “Warning” messages. It is the major errors that I would need to know that would make the UI not load at all.
In general, you just need to pop in the folder and /loadskin while in game, choose the folder, and move the windows around. You really do not need to do much more than that.
KeymasterAll interfaces are now published over from Beta and have been tested. The only 2 UI’s that need to pay some attention to is Adeptus & INTG TKing, as I removed EQUI_KeyRingWnd.xml file. If you use those UI’s, be sure to remove that file or else you will get an error.
KeymasterI just replaced the Tking Briar Cast Spell Window 13 Spells version with the 14 Spells version if you would like to use this for Beta, featured under the Add-Ons section. I figured I would not bother adding a separate download for both being only about 5 or so weeks away from launch.
KeymasterUpdated 6/18/2024 with the additional Buff Labels.
KeymasterActually I don’t. Supposedly they made it better in their notes when they say “The game client can once again launch in full screen mode and switching between desktop windows should be smoother”. I personally always play in Windowed mode so that I can toggle back and forth to my email or web browser. Being in full screen mode only locks my computer down to do anything else but the game, so it isn’t useful to me. Might have to ask on the EQ forums to see if there anybody that has issues with what you are referring to.
KeymasterOk, I just uploaded the “Zone Music and Sound” in the Downloads section, under the “Add-On’s” section. Just extract the zip file into the EverQuest directory, and you should be good to go. Just be sure not to have EverQuest running.
KeymasterI actually made the zone file with the MP3 long ago for it to work, as there was nothing there before. I posted it long ago on the old forums but I can re-zip it up again and post it here as well later tonight or tomorrow.
KeymasterA few more updates to version 19. They removed the unusable buttons in the Persona tab of the Inventory window.
KeymasterI just uploaded 18.9 for some more testing, small update.
KeymasterBy the way, the only files that really needed any updating was the EQUI_Animations.xml file (if exists) and the EQUI_Inventory.xml file.
Hopefully they will not edit much of anything else prior to launch.
KeymasterIf you are still experiencing anything weird, just go to Options–>Display, and UN-Check the “Use New UI Engine”. Then relaunch the game. This will literally fix everything.
KeymasterThis sounds like the issue I spoke with someone in Discord about in tells. Remove the current EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml file, and take the EQUI_BigBankWnd_Default.xml, and rename it back to EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml
This will give you the non-all bags big bank window version that has so far fixed all the issues with Krome and the new code EQ put out. It has to do with the back end bag coding.
KeymasterI am still posting on the EQ Discord channel as well as the forums. Hopefully they will see what I posting and dig into it. I would assume they already know about most of it, at least that is what I want to believe.
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